Restoration and Monitoring of Hymenocallis coronaria in Stevens Creek, South Carolina

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Andy Grunwald , Althea Hagan

Publication Date:

Hymenocallis coronaria, commonly known as the rocky shoals spider lily, is a rare and imperiled aquatic macrophyte that is endemic to fall line streams of the southeastern United States. H. coronaria is considered an indicator species for shoal habitat quality and its beautiful blooms are culturally important to local communities. Unfortunately, H. coronaria populations have been declining throughout their range due to flow modification, herbivory impacts, and anthropogenic water quality degradation, leading to increased interest in the restoration of this charismatic species. Therefore, a need exists to identify effective restoration methods and suitable habitat characteristics to inform future restoration and management actions. This study evaluated the effectiveness of different restoration methods across experimental plots within a shoal in Stevens Creek, South Carolina. Herbivory and water quality were monitored within two shoals, one with a robust H. coronaria colony and the other a declining colony. We hypothesize that outplanted greenhouse-propagated bulbs embedded in coir matting will have a higher survival rate than those outplanted directly into the shoal and that the plots will not be a significant source of variation. There currently are no observed differences in herbivory and preliminary analyses indicate that the shoal with a declining colony has a higher pH. Moving forward, our habitat research will be expanded to include water quantity and physical habitat characteristics. The restoration portion of our research will continue with spring and summer restoration efforts to further examine how season, life stage, habitat characteristics, and method affect restoration success of H. coronaria.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
