A restoration plan for the 3rd section of Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City

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Consuelo Bonfil, Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, Erika Gómez-Pineda, Alejandro Torres and Roberto Lindig

Publication Date:

Bosque de Chapultepec is the largest, oldest urban park in Mexico City, receiving around 15 million visitors per year. Its present area is 800 ha. In 2020 an agreement was signed between the Secretary of the Environment of Mexico City (SEDEMA) and the National University (UNAM) to develop an executive plan for the environmental restoration of the 3rd section (244 ha). Here we present an overview of this plan, based on a previous diagnostic. The 3rd section has a large environmental value, as it is crossed by a system of ravines having a high contribution to aquifer recharge. Its vegetation is similar to that of remnant surrounding forests, with relatively well preserved sites, dominated by native trees, and others dominated by exotic trees, mainly eucalypts, many of which are dead or sick. The area was classified in three categories: a) a buffer zone, adjacent to the urban matrix, b) a biocultural zone, with infrastructure associated to recreational activities and, c) a conservation zone, comprising the total length of the ravines. These zones were subsequently divided in areas devoted to preservation, restoration, recreational and cultural activities, and special uses. Specific management guidelines were provided for each one. Vegetation management considers the coexistence of native and introduced species, eliminating dead introduced trees sequentially to prevent erosion and reinvasion. Native species for restoration were chosen from the forests communities in the mountains surrounding Mexico City, considering the projected effects of climate change to attain resilience.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
