Applying remote sensing innovations to advance restoration governance

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Pedro H. S. Brancalion

Publication Date:

Upscaling ecosystem restoration will require a profound shift in the way this activity is planned, implemented, and monitored. Existing methods and technologies are still based on a plot-based restoration approach, with limited capacity to inform decision makers and track progress over large spatial and temporal scales. There is an urgent need to reduce the costs and increase the scalability of restoration methods, which can be achieved, in many different situations, based on remote sensing innovations. In this talk, I will describe how novel remote sensing tools have been used to scale up restoration monitoring at the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and contributed to improve existing restoration policies. I will explore how different remote sensing techniques, including lidar and hyperspectral data, and different platforms to obtain data, like drones, airplanes, and satellites, have been used to revolutionize the way forest structure and diversity is measured. Remote sensing can rapidly become the main strategy to monitor restoration over thousands or millions of hectares, and research has achieved promising results in this direction.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
