SER-RM Webinar: Wildfire Restoration: After the Feds Leave

Theresa Springer

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The Burn Area Emergency Recovery (BAER) team has produced burn severity maps, USGS debris flow maps and reports. They have moved on to the next emergency. This talk is about cheap action items and tasks. They range from on the ground prescriptions to resources that keep the community safe. It takes time for funding to arrive and more time to determine where it will be spent. But patience is not high on the community’s list. Speaker Bio: Theresa Springer is a Wildland Fire Rehabilitation Coordinator with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte. In her own words, “Chicken Little/Fearmonger to Clairvoyant/Expert” was a short ride for Theresa. In 2000, her job was to raise awareness that it was not a matter of “if” but “when” then forest would burn. She spread the word that forest fires would just get bigger and bigger. Then on June 8th, 2002, Colorado’s Hayman Fire roared through 138,000 acres and tragically her predictions proved true. Since then, Theresa has led recovery efforts on too many fires to count. She has learned: “Equality is a trait of wildland forest fires. Recovery efforts are anything but equal.”

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Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program

