Michael Yadrick
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What does inclusion in ecological restoration look like? How would it feel to truly welcome, celebrate, and protect marginalized members of our communities and ecosystems? In this ecosystem of social change, we must initiate and continue timely conversations surrounding race, gender, class, ability, ageism, and violence in the science and practice of ecological restoration. To disentangle restoration from social injustices, we are obligated to openly reflect on the racist lineage of conservation, uncover mutual interests in solidarity efforts, explore our own racial development, commit to training about implicit bias and interrogate how our institutions collude with BIPOC erasure, heteropatriarchy and extractive capitalism. Implications for Practice include decolonizing our media consumption/presentation, shifting language, mapping our roles in social change, evaluating people’s access to restoration benefits, and elevating untold stories. Michael Yadrick (CERP) endeavors to revive forest ecosystems and our relationship with nature in a warming world.
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Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program