Stephanie Mansourian
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A study of 10 long term and large scale forest restoration initiatives reveals some of the key governance and economic factors that support restoration. This WWF and IUFRO study entitled “Enabling factors to scale up forest landscape restoration: the roles of governance and economics” highlights the key factors at the national or sub-national scale that motivate the initiation of forest restoration, enable its implementation at scale and sustain it. The report features examples of how these enabling factors have played out in different countries, and finds that approaches have to be context-specific to be successful.
Speaker: Stephanie Mansourian has been an environmental consultant for the last 16 years and is also a research associate with Geneva University (Switzerland). Her work in the last 25 years has spanned several environmental topics, including forest restoration, environmental governance, protected areas, sustainability among others. She was at the forefront of the development of forest landscape restoration (FLR) at the time when she was managing WWF’s related programme. Since then, and based on her observations of FLR programmes and projects, she carried out her PhD specifically on governance challenges related to FLR. In her work, she takes an integrated approach and seeks to span disciplines wherever possible. As a consultant her clients include NGOs, conventions, UN agencies and foundations. Her voluntary commitments include her board membership with the Society for Ecological Restoration, and her role as deputy coordinator of the IUFRO Task Force on “Transforming forest landscapes for future climates and human well-being”. She has published three books and authored several articles in peer reviewed journals.
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